Tuesday 17 November 2009

Studio photog.

A more successful attempt with Studio Photography! Learnt more about lighting, composition & the DSLR.

Throughout this project I had not used any studio equipment so I was quite excited when we booked out the studio for half a day. I found myself quite intimidated by the lighting equipment but Hannah, Adam and Holly kindly helped me with my technical difficulties! I learnt a number of things by watching Hannah's shoot first. I find that I learn a lot through observation.

This studio shoot was probably my most successful shoot completed due to the amount of things I learn't about the camera as well as the effort and planning that goes into a shoot. As this was my first attempt, I turned up relaxed and unprepared. Despite this, I feel that i directed the shoot pretty well under pressure and enjoyed working with poses and her outfit. Even though it was just a glimpse of fashion photography, I really enjoyed it and hope to learn more about the direction of a shoot rather than taking the photograph.

[I kept my ISO on 100 and my aperture ranged from F8 to F11. I felt that the photos taken with an aperture of F8 were quite bright and highlighted the face too much.]

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