Sunday, 23 May 2010

Shotgun Politics

T-shirt design for Shotgun Politics//

Shotgun Politics: Hong Kong based Rock Band

'So first of all we call our music party rock. I guess that's our way of saying you're not meant to take it too seriously and the main idea is just to have a fun time when listening to us. Therefore I guess the design should be something fairly light hearted if there's such a thing.

If you visit our various sites. You will se that we use pink on blue as our main colours. Again just rambling here, not saying whatever you cone up with MUST conform to that colour scheme.

Our logo consists of the HK emblem. Remind me to email you the files for it. Maybe you can use it somehow.'

Brief: Produce a T-Shirt Design

Being my first ever Brief set by a client. Was nervous to start with but overcame this quite quickly. Got a taste of life as a freelancer and got me thinking of life after college. I would definitely like to pursue Illustration further and take part in Competition Briefs as well as ones set by Clients. However, at this point in my course I still would like to explore more options and not focus entirely on Illustration.

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